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SNARK Overview

What are ZKPs?โ€‹

Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) are a method by which one party (the prover) can prove to another party (the verifier) that a certain statement is true, without revealing any information apart from the fact that the statement is indeed true.

SNARK stands for: (S)uccinct (N)on-interactive (AR)gument of (K)nowledge

Let's break it down:

Succint - Proofs are small in size and fast to verify

Non-interactive - The proof and verifier don't have to communicate. The proof can be verified on its own

Argument - The proof is computational in nature and can be used to show validity of a claim

Knowledge - Shows that the prover possesses specific knowledge (e.g., a secret key or a witness to a statement) without revealing what that knowledge is

Example: Pre-Image of Hashโ€‹

ZKPs can be used to show that you posses the preimage to a hash digest without revealing the preimage itself.

For example, the sha256 hash of the string absinthelabs is 9b7558b01b8fca4a267f100922cc852139726c9637d1440d08043cfabdc4d0c1.

We can construct a ZK circuit to create proofs showing that we posses the secret preimage that creates this hash without revealing the word absinthelabs secret to us.

Here's a high-level workflow (omitting details such as the trusted setup, verification key, etc):

snark workflow

Properties of ZKPsโ€‹


If the input is valid, the zero-knowledge protocol always returns โ€˜trueโ€™. This means that, assuming the prover and verifier act honestly and that the underlying statement is true, the proof can be accepted.


If the input is invalid, it is impossible for a zero-knowledge protocol to return โ€œtrueโ€. This means that a dishonest prover cannot convince an honest verifier that an invalid statement is valid (except with a tiny margin of probability).


The verifier learns nothing about a statement beyond its validity. This prevents the verifier from deriving the original input (the statementโ€™s content) from the proof.